Keith and Ryder are both home safe and sound and praising God for the blessings of the trip. Thank you all for praying for them as they worked labored in India to bring the Word to these pastors so that they in turn can bring it to their own corners of India. Normally March weather in India is quite mild but Keith and Ryder endured an unusual heat wave in both southern and northern India. Increased power outrages made the afternoon sessions very difficult for both teachers and students. Please continue to pray for our Indian pastors as they take apply the things they have learned to their own preaching and teaching in their villages and churches.
Archives for March 2010
Reconciliation and Return
From Ryder –
As I write this to you Keith is in his first session of 4 ½ sessions today. Suresh is doing a good interpretation. Again he broke out in tears last evening at different times while doing the interpretation. Another thing that has happened yesterday was a wonderful reconciliation between two brothers who had difficulties, struggles and tensions over few months in their relationships. Both attend our seminars and they had some problems during the time they attended our seminar in November 2009. This mounted up. Their Pastor came to me for help the other day. Keeping up with the precedence of my guru, Paul Brown and my baba Randy, I took the challenge prayerfully to sit in three sessions with these guys. The end of the story is victory of our Lord in their lives as they confessed and reconciled.
We had Pauline and Maxwell the other day for breakfast at Clark’s Avadh. You may remember them from last time. Both of them had non stop sharing in the blessing that they received during Nov 09 seminar on family when Paul preached. They cherish that message, remember it and loved the teaching. They said nothing about my message that preached last Sunday but kept telling about Paul’s teaching. (should I be envious? How can I be when the people are being blessed – I am emotional with eyes getting wet).
The Lord willing we leave this evening which is your Friday 5 a.m. Please pray as I dread that long flight of 16 hours by Emirates. Please pray for Keith who also will have similar flight. We will spend several hours at the Delhi International airport during midnight until early morning.
I can’t wait to seeing you all to share more of all that has happened here as an answer to pray.
Good grades in Lucknow
From Ryder:
Yes, we are in Lucknow. So far the Lord has kept both Keith and me in good health. Keith is doing well in adjusting with food. Here are his grades:
1. Cheese Omelet: A +
2. Dosa: B +
3. Somosa: D
4. KFC: A +
5. Fish and Fries: A
There were two wonderful baptisms yesterday at Bethel where I preached the Word. Both husband and wife are from Village where they worshipped gods and goddesses. The man was in eighties, frail and the back bent towards probably due to has hard labor of carrying heavy loads on his back, a job for his livelihood. His testimony was so vibrant and powerful when he mentioned about his salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave an ‘ultimatum’ to Suresh that he should be baptized by the end of March and this happened yesterday. Both this lady and man were uneducated but included in the ‘chosen ones’. So even the lack of education did not stop them to be saved, Hallelujah!
Today our seminar begins in Lucknow. The heat is unusually above normal. Please pray. Participants are coming in to attend.
Days 8-10: Saturday-Monday, March 19-21
From Keith and Ryder,
We have arrived in Lucknow. We flew from Delhi on Saturday afternoon and Suresh met us at the airport. On Sunday, Ryder preached at Bethel Church (where the seminar will be held) and I preached at Lal Bagh Methodist Church. The north of India is in the midst of an unusual March heat wave. The temperatures are between 5-10 degrees Celsius above normal. It is even hotter here than it was in Hyderabad last week. Yesterday, Delhi had its third highest March temperature in the last ten years! The heat wave is predicted to last all week. The seminar begins this morning at 11:00 a.m. here (IST), 10:30 p.m. Sunday (PDT). Please pray for physical stamina for both the pastors and us as this week’s seminar progresses.
Closing in Hyderabad
From Shanthi,
We Praise God for the wonderful opportunity given to serve Him and His people. The conference concluded as per the schedule, we had a few testimonies from the pastors after which the parting words were shared by Pastor Ryder, Dr. Keith and Ravi. The course books for the next conference were given away with an advice to read it before coming for the next time.
Days 5-7: Wednesday-Friday, March 17-19
From Keith and Ryder-
As you can read on Shanti’s report, the Hyderabad seminar is now complete. We had a wonderful time with the pastors from the South. We flew Friday evening to Delhi, arriving at our room at 11:30 p.m. It has been a long day, but we are now looking forward to getting rest. Tomorrow, we fly to Lucknow. Both Ryder and I will be preaching Sunday in Lucknow. Then on Monday the seminar for the pastors from the north will begin. Thank you for your continued prayers.
From Shanthi,
It has been a wonderful week in the conference and as the proverb in English says ‘ ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END’ it is the final day in Hyderabad. Both Pastor Ryder and Dr. Keith looked exhausted due to the heat but they are given grace to teach so many hours to these precious pastors who are eager to learn through His Word. I am making preparations for the payments, closing ceremony,send offs etc.
The medical reports of Pastor Surya Kumar came out negative for malaria so we are relieved. He has improved a lot. Continue to pray for all these things.
Attached a few more pictures.
Refreshed and Ready
From R. and S. (regional directors)
Praise God for the opportunities given to spend in His presence hearing Him speaking through His Servants. After good night’s rest, the pastors looked fresh to receive the inputs given to them. They participated with great enthusiasm and we found them responding actively to the assignments.
I attached a few pictures showing their sincere study through the scriptures. Pastor Ryder taught from the Gospels of Mark and John and his overview was great that gave valuable insights. Dr. Keith took through Luke and Acts giving historical validity to the Gospel preached by Apostle Paul.
Continue to pray for pastor S. K., he has been taken to the hospital now by Ravi for check up. He is still suffering from fever with stomach pain.
The retreat centre people arranged a generator which is a great relief during power cuts.
Days 3 & 4 – Monday & Tuesdsay, March 15-16
From Keith and Ryder
The first training seminar in Hyderabad is off to a good start. The 50 pastors arrived safely and have been attentive and interactive with the New Testament Survey material. It is amazing to think that we have already completed the Gospels and Acts. Tomorrow, we begin two days on the Pauline Epistles. Pray for strength and stamina both for Ryder and me and for the pastors; it is unseasonably hot for Hyderabad with the daytime temperatures in the 90’s. The room we use does not have A/C. It gets very hot with no air movement, particularly in the afternoon. After a day of travel and with the heat, the men were somewhat glassy-eyed on Monday afternoon for session which began at 1:30 and went until 7:30 p.m. Yesterday, after a good night’s sleep (the temps are dropping to the high 60’s at night), the men were much more alert. Thanks for praying – the seminar is going well by God’s grace.
Sunday Ministry
From Ryder Day 2 – Sunday, March 14
Today was a wonderful day of the worship of God with our Indian brothers and sisters. Ryder preached at Reheboth Assembly and I at Emmanuel House of prayer. During the afternoon, we enjoyed a walk for some Indian ice cream (in honor of Paul Brown!). With Ravi, Shanti, and Jesser, we completed the day making final arrangements for the seminar which begins tomorrow after lunch.