From Shanthi –
We were eagerly waiting for this conference to start, as this was a Doctrines oriented teaching, and we were expectant to learn new things from our resource leaders Bro.Ryder and Bro.David Nelson.
Dr.Vijay and Bro.Timothy were the translators and as usual they did a good job. The conference started on 31st Oct. 2011, with the opening session commencing at 2.00 p.m. By the way, we want to thank everyone who prayed for the agitation to subside in our state. God answered all your prayers and just a week before the conference was due to start, all form of agitations ceased, and all our pastors could arrive in time and with safety.
This time in all about 46 pastors attended the seminar. The weather was near perfect, and as usual the facilities provided at the centre were excellent.
“In the beginning GOD”—-so started our first doctrinal studies about God. The remarkable thing is we learnt news things on the first day itself. One of the revelations we had is “Bible assumes God is present, and the BIBLE is not intended for proving the existence of God but rather it is a demonstration of His works.”
- Concluding words from Ravi
Three instances of speaking in tongues from Act 2, 9 and 19 and how they were related to the circumstances of those times, was the highlight of this conference. In India there is this prevalent thinking, that if one does not speak in tongues, he does not have the Holy Spirit. The participants were enlightened about this particular gift.
We were enlightened about the characteristics of God, and how these characteristics build up healthy relations with our creator and redeemer.
The next doctrines taught were on Bibliology/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit and Angelology. The one doctrine on which the participants had so many doubts was on HOLY SPIRIT. The true doctrine was taught from the scriptures and many doubts clarified. All that we can say is that the participants went back with the correct doctrine, and resolve to negate any false teaching on HOLY SPIRIT. We thank STN for these splendid resources through BTCP.