from Ryder:
Jeff is doing a great job in teaching. Right now he is teaching. The photos show his illustrations. God is using him. He is getting connected to people and food with good adjustments and flexibilities.
Impacting the World for Christ
By sleinen
from Ryder:
Jeff is doing a great job in teaching. Right now he is teaching. The photos show his illustrations. God is using him. He is getting connected to people and food with good adjustments and flexibilities.
By sleinen
Leaving Hyderabad has not been easy. I had mixed feelings. This is where I was born and spent my first seventeen years and moved with the directions of the Lord. I have thousands of friends but the other places I could visit apart from our study venue and hotel are my dentist and blood pressure doc. I had a great longing to visit a eating place and my the area where I was brought up. But the focus to accomplish what we are here for has been the priority. Please pray that my ‘pending’ desire would be fulfilled one day.
At Delhi I preached for the first time in Delhi Bible Fellowship. It is located in a very poor and backward area of Delhi. The pastor here is form a Hindu background. There were over 100 in the first service and about 250 in the second service. I met a pastor here from Orissa where in the persecution he saw villages burnt, people burnt and a great devastation. He has 172 churches but only 62 pastors and all of them are untrained.
By sleinen
From Shanthi
This year’s seminar was unique in the fact that it dealt with Church administration, education, and operational aspects of the local churches. The teaching was very useful to the pastors, as the implementation of these concepts will help in the edification and growth of the churches.
The final day was hectic with three concluding sessions by Bro. Jeff, Bro. Randy and Bro. Ryder in that order. The seminar was concluded with the handing over the next course book No. 8.
All the participants returned to their destinations safely but with a delay of 6-12 hours, as a severe cyclonic storm affected road and rail traffic. We praise God for all His mercies and faithfulness in answering our prayers for the smooth conduct of the seminar.
By sleinen
from Shanthi,
We praise God for this year’s 2nd seminar, BTCP Course 7. All the participants arrived safely from different parts of the State well prepared to receive the inputs. The opening day’s topics were the Portrait of the church, and purpose of the church, topics of utmost importance. The participants listened with rapt attention, as the portrait of the church was unveiled by Bro.Randy and Bro.Ryder. 29th October being Jeff’s Birthday, we celebrated it with a cake cutting.
The second day’s topics are concerned with the practice of the church and family ministry. The participants actively involved in interacting with the resource persons, getting clarifications. They were introduced to new concepts, which would promote growth and unity in the church.
The chain prayer started yesterday evening at 6 p.m and it went on till today upto 6 a.m. We had a wonderful time praying for a long list of prayer requests. All the pastors were put in different groups who took turns to pray the whole night. Praise God! More about it in today’s report coming up in the evening!
By rleinen
Well we just finished a great day of ministry. I preached two messages at BHEL and Jeff shared his testimony (he did a great job). There were probably around 700 people at the service which lasted 3.5 hours! One of the amazing parts was listening to the people pray for over an hour (although we could understand nothing they were saying).
Jeff had his first taste of India during the daytime. It was a mild drive as drives go in India. But Jeff was shocked even at the low traffic of a Sunday. Can’t wait to see what he thinks about a Monday.
Here are a few things to pray for:
1. Jet lag. I am having a hard time this time. I am so tired during the day and so is Jeff. Hopefully, we can get on schedule tomorrow.
2. Health. Ravi & Shanthi want us to avoid shaking hands with everyone. They even recommended that I wear a mask when I am not preaching. I guess there are some severe flues going around and they want me to be careful. This has me a little nervous now.
More prayer requests to come. FYI, I could feel the prayer power when I was on stage preaching. Even before I felt a calm and a peace that was supernatural. Thanks to everyone who is praying!
By sleinen
from Ryder
Thanks for your prayers on our behalf. I happy to report that:
David got sick at the airport with shivering in the body but reached Hyderabad safely. We are all at the hotel now. I am waiting for the arrival of Randy and Jeff. Looking forward for a great time on this Sunday and the week to follow.
By sleinen
From Ryder, Oct. 24th, 2012
Thanks for your prayers on our behalf.
Thanks. I am looking forward to Jeff and Randy’s arrival.
By rleinen
Vijayawada, India. Do you know where that is? Neither do I. But as of today, Ryder Kumar and David Nelson are starting to train a new group of pastors in India using the BTCP materials. [Read more…] about STN is Spreading…
By sleinen
Gospel outreach is done in seven different villages and includes distribution of tracts, street preaching and door to door ministry. There are also evening Gospel meetings. Because most of these people are less educated and have only a tribal background, it is important to make regular visits to counsel them. It is very hard for them to come out of their deep-rooted beliefs and false religions. Praise God for a couple who are new converts and are attending church. Praise, too, that we could dedicate the newly built church. Please pray for the remaining finishing work to be completed, especially the toilets and a bore-well for water. Please also pray for a woman and her daughter infected with AIDS. Her husband has deserted her. She is a born again believer. Please also pray for this pastor as he visits believers and tries to reach unbeliev-ers with the Gospel.
By sleinen
Praise for a Gospel outreach program where the response was good. Approximately 600 tracts were distributed. As a result of “cottage meetings” conducted recently, 10 people came to saving faith! Please pray for Bro. Dayakar suffering from epilepsy. He encountered opposition from Hindu fanatics when he was doing open air preaching. Pray, too, for the spiritual growth of the new believers. There are many more open air meetings planned for the coming weeks.
Ryder Kumar is serving as our International Director. As one of the founding members of Shepherding the Nations, it was Ryder's vision to see pastors trained and equipped for ministry that became the foundation of Shepherding the Nations.
Shepherding the Nations has identified qualified and called men who are already working in unreached areas of India and Nepal. We are providing the training to better equip them and the financial resources to support them in their ministries.
Our directors have been equipped to teach our ten-volume training curriculum. These key men are training indigenous pastors and church planters while also providing accountability, resources materials, and support.
During our training program, we provide our ten volume set of curriculum from the Biblical Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP) in their local language. We also provide essentials resources such as Bible Concordance and Study Bible. We have been able to provide these books to all of our pastors through the generous donations of our donors. These books can be purchased for about $10 each or an entire set for $100. Donate online.
There has been nothing so crucial to the on-going ministry of Shepherding the Nations as the continued prayer support of our sponsors and supporting churches. Those who commit to sponsoring our International Director, one of our Regional Directors, or a pastor, evangelist or church planter, will receive a photo and prayer requests so that you can be praying by name for those on the field. If you are not currently on our email mailing list, please consider subscribing so that you can receive prayer updates via email.