by Pastor Eddie Bueno

Pastor Eddie Bueno (left), David Nelson (behind Eddie), and Pastor Richard Buitrago and family
My trip to India was a journey without much planning. I knew that I would have to go to observe and see how the STN program worked there, and see the possibility of starting the program somewhere in Latin America. On my return from India I did not know what to do or where to start. Several months passed and I even thought that my trip to India had only been an expense and nothing more.
But one day, while talking to Pastor Ryder, he suggested that I start the program in Bolivia, the country where I am from. I had not retuned to my country for 34 years and to think of going back and taking a project to train pastors did not sound like a good idea to me. But what seemed to be not a good idea to me seemed like a good idea to God.
When I went to Bolivia and I contacted several pastors. I saw how the enemy has worked there with the growth of the Prosperity Gospel. This movement is very far from the sound doctrine that we find in the Word of God. I saw the need to train new pastors and thought that if we start there we can continue into the rest of Latin America, given that Bolivia is geographically located in the center of South America.
In the next three months we will start three Bible Institutes in three different cities of Bolivia – Santa Cruz, La Paz and Cochabamba. We also already have pastors that have shown interest in taking this program to Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. May the Lord guide us and provide the economic and human resources we need to train pastors that fear God and that are well trained in the Scriptures.

Teacher Training Workshop with David Nelson (top)