It is with deep gratitude to God that we are making plans for a huge celebration next year in India. After nearly six years of training conferences, STN will hold its first GRADUATION CEREMONY for the men who have completed the 10-book curriculum from “Bible Training Centre for Pastors” ( In November 2014 we will hold our final training conferences in Hyderabad and Lucknow, India, and conclude each week with the graduation. Although we are not conferring a degree, the men are very excited to get a graduation certificate. We are also inviting their wives to come with them to celebrate the accomplishment and join in as we give praise to God. During the week we will offer special training for the women while the men study Book #10 – “Missions, Evangelism, and Discipleship.”
Christmas Fundraising Efforts
The Women’s Ministry at The Bridge Bible Fellowship wanted to do a special fundraiser to help pay for the cost of the wives attending the final conference. They wrote a special Christmas poem that communicated the Gospel of Jesus Christ and put it in a gift box with several candies that are included in the message of the poem. These boxes were sold for $10 each with all profits going to STN. To date over $1,300 has been raised through these gift boxes.
Please Pray
Please pray for us as we finalize plans for the graduation ceremonies. Current plans include special music by Diane Brown and Abraham Kumar, testimonies by the students, challenging messages from STN leaders, and graduation certificates & gifts for the men. Leaders of Christian Ministries in India will be invited to come celebrate with us and learn more about what STN is doing in India and Nepal.
The costs will be higher this time than for previous conferences (more people going from the U.S., cost of the Pastors’ wives coming to the conferences, and graduation costs). If you would like to make a donation toward these costs please write “Graduation” on the memo.
Come and See!
If you would like to go with us for the final training conferences and graduation ceremonies please let us know. You could come for a portion of the time or the entire time. But be warned that your heart will forever be changed by what you see and experience.
Thank you for your vital part in this ministry over the past six years.
God has answered your prayers and used your donations in ways we will not fully understand this side of Heaven.
- Pastors have been trained,
- churches have been planted and strengthened,
- multitudes have heard the Gospel,
- unreached villages have been reached,
- and a large number of people have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
And this is only the beginning!
These men will reach & train up others who will reach & train up others who will make disciples of nations (2 Tim. 2:2; Mt. 28:18-20). Some of the men are already training other Pastors and church leaders using the BTCP materials and we look forward to helping them continue this for years to come. To God be the glory great things He has done!