Report by Vinay Kalapala
In partnership with the Shepherding the Nations we were able to conduct a one day conference for the ladies of our church and surrounding churches with the theme, “Your Effective Growth in the Body of Christ.” Brother Ryder Kumar gave an inspirational and insightful devotional study from John 6:1-14 speaking on “Incredible Blessing.” Flory Kumar spoke with clarity and burden based on the theme. She focused on six aspects of growth, “Worship, Fellowship, Membership, Serving, Discipleship and Giving.” The 62 ladies present were motivated and blessed by the teaching.
It was a real encouragement to see many participating from other churches such as Hebron Fellowship, LEF, and Zion Prayer house joined with our Shiloh Prayer hall. Followed by a delightful lunch a 20-minute game helped the ladies get ready for the afternoon sessions. Sis. Halleluiah and other ladies sang worship songs at the beginning of afternoon session. Flory continued her 2nd secession with group discussions. During this time, many shared their convictions and challenges in those 6 areas of study and made decisions to correct themselves and gave testimonies and spent time in prayer.
During the conference some of the pastors desired for a meeting with Brother Ryder to express their desire to request STN’s partnership in the endeavors to hold BTCP seminars for many who are in need. We are very much thankful to Brother Ryder and Sister Flory, and Shepherding the Nations for giving us a wonderful opportunity provided to meet the needs of these ladies of different churches. There is a great need for holding such conferences regularly.