Besides providing medical help, the doctors at the PCI Medical Clinic share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result of this ministry, many people have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. PCI then planted a church on the hospital grounds. It is a joy to see people who were previously idol worshippers, are now worshipping the living Lord happily and many of them stood firm even in the wake of persecution by their families and relatives. The picture above is the hospital building in a remote village in Southern India.
A committed, qualified doctor couple, Dr V. and his wife, Dr. S are taking care of this ministry and Dr. V. works both as medical doctor and as the pastor of the church, right from its inception more than 15 years ago. This congregation of more than 50 are converts from the idol-worshippers in this community.
The church (at right) here consists of believers from the surrounding 12 villages. On week days, Dr. Vijay along with a few believers from the church visits these villages to do personal evangelism, open-air preaching using portable mike system and to conduct cottage meetings. As most of the family members of these believers are still idol-worshippers, they face opposition from them and a few are persecuted by them for their faith in Jesus Christ. Due to the prayers and sacrificial efforts of the church here, another rural church in a nearby village has been established where Pastor J. is ministering now. They desire to establish such fellowships even in other remote villages also where there is no church for the believers to worship, as they have to walk long distances to attend the church at Medical Center.
The patients here are mostly diagnosed with infectious diseases like scabies, Tania, eczema, skin allergies, gastroenteritis, malaria, typhoid etc. Patients with chronic illness like tuberculosis and AIDS are also clinically diagnosed here and are referred to the town hospitals where they are getting the treatment for these problems.
Dr. V. and Dr. S also travel regularly into the surrounding villages to hold free medical camps where they give health education, distribute medicine, treat patients and most importantly, give out the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for the PCI Medical Center.
- Pray for the immediate needs of finances for medical kits and hospital equipment that will enable them to continue their ministry to the people they serve.
- Pray for Dr. V and Dr. S and for those who help them in their medical work and ministry to the villages that they would be protected from the enemy and be effective in ministry.
- Pray that the hearts of the people in the villages would be open to hearing the gospel as they come to the medical center for treatment.
- Pray for the efforts to plant churches in the surrounding areas, that leaders would be raised up and that many would come to know Jesus as Savior.
PCI – Project Christ India
Project Christ India (PCI) is an existing evangelical agency that is based in Southern India. Their vision is to fulfil the great commission where the name of Christ has not yet been heard. (Mk 16 :15, Romans 15:20)
Reaching the unreached people groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ and planting Churches among them is PCI’s mission and goal.
In existence since 1986, PCI has established a reputation for working with tireless service, integrity and faithfulness in South India. They have identified like-minded pastors and been involved in training and mentoring them while they minister in the field. Their organizational skills and hands-on accountability has provided a link for STN in India. It has enabled STN to partner with PCI by adding our support through Bible Conferences to these PCI pastors.
Youth Retreat
This photo was taken in May of 2008 during an annual Youth Retreat, hosted by the PCI Medical Center. The girls posing in front of the church are just a few of the three hundred and sixty-six youth who attended this retreat.
The workers give God the glory for ministry accomplished during the retreat. Many youth were blessed and will now be lights for Him in their respective villages.