India / Nepal
- For the 100+ men who have been through STN’s training program to faithfully apply what they have learned to their own lives and to their ministries.
- For STN’s trainers to be safe in their travels and faithful in accurately teaching God’s truth to their students.
- For the approximately 300 men currently being trained by STN to be diligent students. Also that they would apply what they are learning and teach it to others.
- Wisdom in administrative and legal issues that must be done in the STN India office to comply with requirements of the government.
- For the India government to approve the FCRA paperwork that was submitted recently.
- For the STN India board to be a unified team and to work together effectively in carrying out the mission of STN.
- For the Lord’s guidance in appointing directors who will oversee the ministry in specific regions of the country.
- Safety in travel around the country. Driving can be very dangerous.
- For Ryder Kumar’s preaching and teaching ministry in various churches to be fruitful. For many of these churches to become partners with STN in reaching unreached villages for Christ.
- For Ryder’s full financial support to be raised.
- For the Lord to provide monthly support for 8 pastors in Nepal who currently don’t receive any pay.
Latin America
- For Pastor Eddie Bueno as he oversees this ministry for STN International. For good health, endurance, wisdom, and a good working relationship with the regional trainers.
- For the leaders of the three training centers in Bolivia to be used mightily of God as they train people for future church planting ministries (Pastor Tito Montero in La Paz; Pastor Daniel Ortiz in Cochabamba, and Pastor Richard Buitrago in Santa Cruz). Pray for their 70+ students to diligently study & apply what they are learning.
- For the leaders of the three training centers in Central America (Pastor Karel Golcher in Guatemala; Pastor Jose Antonio Pino in Honduras; and Pastor Marco Muñoz in Southern Mexico). Pray for their 100+ students to diligently study and apply what they are learning.
- For the Lord to provide the funding for this ministry to grow and expand into other countries in Latin America.