By Ryder Kumar, International Director STN International.
As the eleven member team from the US ventured to be in India on a short term mission trip, none of us imagined that it would be tougher than we ever thought, more challenging than we could understand, and more hazardous than we ever believed. But this trip was also most rewarding, greatly refreshing and definitely of God’s undertaking. We are thankful to all who prayed and gave sacrificially.
75 Pastors Graduate
When 75 pastors who have successfully completed ten courses in six years and each one of them came forward to receive certificate, it was a ‘rewarding’ experience. It was not just an achievement but a life-changing experience for these men.
One of them, J. S. from North India said,
“These are some words of gratitude for STN international for bringing BTCP course to India – Thank you very much for all your efforts, preparation, sacrifice and perseverance to bring the course to us all. As I was studying course #10 I was motivated to share the Gospel to people of different faiths in India. I was so stirred up that I am willing to give up my position as the principal of my school (letting someone else take this position) as I move out from church to church, teaching what I have been taught. In the midst of severe opposition I envision a breakthrough by the power of God’s Spirit through the teaching of the Truth. I hope other graduates are encouraged to serve the Lord meaningfully just as I am.”
J. works in a remote village in a very strategic area surrounded by the Hindu and Muslim community.
Another graduate by the name of D. from a Hindu-dominated state of India says,
“After studying course #10 the Lord gave me a burden to serve in the church by ‘making disciples’. I am so excited to mention that a new church is planted on November 2nd in a village called ‘L.’ I have another challenge to see another church planted in a village called ‘R’”.
D. mentioned the number of people attending this church plant. Isn’t this refreshing in the spirit as we think of all those difficult days that the team had in India? D. graduated on October 31st and saw a new church plant on November 2nd.
The ministry of the Word by Paul Brown and Randy Leinen were a blessing in the local churches on Sundays. The ministry through singing by Diane Brown and Abraham Kumar was greatly appreciated in churches and graduation events as the hearts were lifted to praise and worship. About twenty five ladies in South and the same number in North gathered for five days. Flory, Susan, Tammy, and Diane ministered through teaching and counseling while Mindy Nelson and Tammy Werth also encouraged through their testimonies. Eddie Bueno, the pastor of Hispanic church at The Bridge Bible Fellowship, along with Tammy Werth, joined the team to India for the very first time.
We now encounter greater challenges than ever.
The work has grown so big that it needs structure, nurture and protection from the enemy. Launching out to India and neighboring countries can’t be kept in abeyance. It will be ‘too late’ to procrastinate combating the imported obnoxious theology. The time to launch out into SE Asia is NOW. Millions in India need to hear the Gospel and thousands are waiting to be trained in order to do church planting across the nation.