Submitted by Ravi Rathan Kumar
Shepherding the Nations successfully conducted the BTCP course over a period of 5 years and held its graduation in the year 2014. Nearly 40 pastors were given a certificate of completion. More than the certificate, it was the precious teaching that was given to them that they value the most.
Ministry Changes
During the two years we have travelled to the churches where the pastors are ministering, we observed a marked difference in their preaching, ministry and teaching. One of the visible effects of BTCP training was found in evidence that their preaching is rightly dividing the word of God. The next best thing that has happened to them was the “ingraining” of the correct doctrines in this age of false teaching and false doctrines.
New Training Begins
- One pastor has taken the task of teaching the BTCP to 10 students in his area and has completed the first 5 books of the course.
- One more course was held in Hyderabad on the 12th of September, 2016, taugth for 10 pastors by Brother Ravi Rathan and Brother Timothy. The pastors who were trained came from the remotest places of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States, and were trained for a period of 12 days.
It is our endeavour to encourage others to hold similar training programmes, and pass on the benefit to others who are otherwise deprived of this special and precious input.
We are immensely thankful to STN international, for their vision, support in helping us to impart the training.