Ryder and Flory are once more in India as ministry continues with our recent graduates and new contacts.
This trip will include:
- A new door is opened in a new state called Gujarat (North West India) for Flory and Ryder to minister the Word. While Flory speaks to the women in the church Ryder will preach on May 24that a congregation of 200. There is potential here as the Pastor is a good leader who is burdened for missions/equipping and training pastors in villages. He also is organizing a meeting with key leaders to organize BTCP/TTW to be connected for ongoing ministry.
- Seminars are planned for key graduates in both Hyderabad and Lucknow.
- Continued research into housing, office space and other moving details for Ryder and Flory who are finalizing details for their move to India late this summer.
Here is a report from Ravi following the Hyderabad conference:
The two day refreshing course recollecting the essence of Book No.1 and 5—two important course books, was of tremendous encouragement, and gave fillip to the whole of the ministry of God’s word.
In all 13 pastors drawn from various parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States including myself and Timothy attended.
Bro.Ryder Kumar dwelt in details on the rules of interpretation of the Word of God, and expositional preaching. Simultaneously the preaching on doctrines was captivating, and the participants were keen on learning these aspects in a great detail. As this exposure was given, all the pastors felt that this time around, the learning of the rules of interpretation was easier to grasp.
We appreciate and thank Bro. Ryder for taking time to visit us again to teach these precious and valuable inputs to all our pastors. In spite of the Road transport strike, all the pastors from far and near could reach Hyderabad on time. We thank all those who prayed for this seminar.
Ryder’s update from India:
In Hyderabad, there were 15 present mostly graduates of STN. The time was enriching for the whole group.
We were able to meet several people with whom we had discussions about a house on rent when we move.
There are more contacts made which are very helpful. On Sunday I preached three times. There were couple of hundred present in the worship service and many young people. Flory had a good ministry among the Sunday school where 200 kids were present. She taught songs and ministered the word. The Seminar at Lucknow began yesterday. The heat I experienced during teaching was 120 degrees. It was tough, sticky and uneasy and a bit difficult for the audience. Today we are beginning the sessions bit early to help cope with the heat. Please pray. There are two new places we are visiting this week where we will meet several leaders to discuss about our mission and vision.
Please pray as lot of discussions are taking place regarding our move, my driving license, adjustments to be made etc. It also appears that because of recent decision to make a separate state where Hyderabad got involved, people from Hyderabad got migrated to other state. A good thing for us is as Shanti mentioned house and property have gone down. We are looking at all options.