by Ryder Kumar, International Director (SE Asia)
“Having come to these classes, our ministry and preaching is transformed.”
Presently we have the challenge of serving about 860 graduates scattered across India and Nepal. These men and women are situated in over 20 locations. We also have about 885 participants undergoing training and equipping. The strategy to be adequately connected with these precious saints in remote villages is simplified by the International Director having regular and direct contact with the regional directors who connect directly with the graduates. These three regional directors have local convenors who organize the study classes.
Our SE Asia Regional Directors

Please pray for these men.
These men have families; and yet each month of the year, they move out of their homes for the ministry of teaching. Daily, they are responsible for counseling and praying with others over the phone.
Please pray for their safety, for their faithfulness in the ministry, for effectiveness in teaching, and for their family lives to be fresh and a fragrant honor to the Lord.
The Lord in His excellence orchestrated for Shepherding the Nations to enter the sub-continent at exactly the right time. Two decades ago, when the ministry began the country reached 1.4 billion in population. This year, it will be the world’s most populous country. God knew that false teachers and false prophets would be on the rise as well. While theology is being strangulated, and the message of prosperity preachers has mocked biblical theology, STN stepped in with an uncompromising stand on the truth of the Word.
As a result of the labors, lives are changed, pastors’ preaching is transformed, people have started coming out of false teaching, church plants have begun, and thousands are reached with the truth of the Gospel.