by Eddie Bueno
Earlier this year, I planned to go to El Salvador to train a pastor to start a new STN Institute. Unfortunately, the pastor needed to undergo back surgery and we had to postpone the training. The pastor is recovering well from the surgery and will be joining me in Panama in late May where I will train him and some other men from Panama. The plan will be to launch new STN Institutes both in El Salvador and in Panama this summer.
In addition to the new Institutes, all the existing institutes have now resumed classes. Join us in praying to God that this year will be a great blessing and tremendous time of learning for all the students. As always, I ask for your prayers that God guides and encourages and opens the doors so that healthy new churches can be planted that teach biblical doctrine honoring our Savior and Lord.
Please pray especially for Tapachula, Mexico, as there is beginning to be a lot of persecution of Christian churches. Also, pray for the immigration problems since Tapachula is on the border of Guatemala. This is the pathway of entry into Mexico for that all the people who try to reach the United States. This is bringing a great crisis to Tapachula. But Pastor Marco wants to take advantage of this situation to share the word of God with those who need it most.
El Alto, Bolivia, BTCP Book #6:

Santa Cruz, Bolivia Book #5:

Tapachula, Mexico, Book #3:

Honduras, Book #3:

Santa Cruz – Bolivia Pastor: Richard Buitrago Students – 30 Book #5 El Alto – Bolivia Pastor: Jhonny Villarroel Students – 31 Book #6 Tegucigalpa, Honduras Pastor: José Pino Students – 25 Book #3 Tapachula – Mexico Teacher: Marco Antonio Muñoz Students – 16 Book #4 | Posible New Institutes: San Salvador, El Salvador Pastor: Jorge Burgos Classes will start this summer Panama Classes will start this summer |