STN international in God’s provision is moving forward in India for greater productivity. This is to see multiplication in the ministry based on this biblical principle:
“The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
-2 Timothy 2:2
Often times, Pastor Randy Leinen referred with great burden to Colossians 1:28-29 28 “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.” We were motivated to work hard and this work by God’s grace resulted in 70 pastors being equipped and trained under the leadership team from the United States. As a follow-up to this, there has been a careful selection from these graduates of 2014 to undergo Teacher Training Workshops to train others in the remotest parts of the earth. The Lord has provided some key leaders from Hyderabad, Lucknow, Nepal and West Bengal who will take on this difficult task of training others in the BTCP program.
A true story of transformation
In 2006, a Napalese couple, Mahavir and his wife, Sheeta, (from a “H” background) had many idols and photos of gods and goddess in their home. They heard the gospel message through KB. Their spontaneous response to this was to get rid of all idols from the house. Accepting the Jesus as their Savior and Lord became a dramatic experience as Mahavir was delivered not only from bondage of sin but also from evil habits. More people heard the gospel and a church was planted in Nepal. This church that started with five to seven people has now grown to 50 people. The message of the gospel is being spread to many nearby people in Nepal. The church with 50 people is being led by a pastor who is not theologically trained and is in need of the training of the STN BTCP classes. Mahavir is a graduate of STN BTCP classes and is ready to teach, having completed the Teacher Training Workshop.
Mahavir is not only known as an STN graduate and a Sr. Pastor in Nepal, but has another distinction – in 1978 he won an award for climbing 21,000 feet in the Himalayan mountains.

Mahavir during Bible conference in Lucknow, 2005

Mahavir (bottom right) during recent Teacher Training Workshop
Multiplication goes on!
There is a need for 30 key people from Nepal to be trained. These 30 would each train 10 men, bringing a multiplication of 300 pastors to begin training in two years. The cost to begin training 30 men from July 2016 would be $4 per course book (4 x 10 x 10=$400 for ten course books) plus with the poor background of each pastor there is need to provide food and tea during the day costing $500 per seminar x 10 seminars = $5,000. Please pray for the the supply to answer this need.