Southeast Asia
- In 2023, 884 new and returning students are being trained throughout India & Nepal
- Over 450 graduated from our training at the end of 2022
- There are 38 Study Centers in cities and villages in India and Nepal
- From 2020 through 2023, 40 men will receive in-depth training in Expository Preaching through 8 conferences in partnership with Leadership Resources International (LRI)
- Fully supporting a National Director and four Regional Directs/Trainers
- Working in SE Asia since 2004
Latin America
- More than 200 pastors, church leaders, and church planters have been trained in Latin America
- Nearly fifty graduated in Bolivia in 2018, and an additional 30 during Covid
- Six new churches were planted in 2019 in Bolivia by STN graduates
- Southern Mexico is relaunching classes since being closed during Covid
- Honduras has an active class of 26 students who are currently in book nine
- Bolivia will be relaunching the classes this year
- Pastors in Colombia are interested in starting a training class