Revivus: this weekend!

Impacting the World for Christ
By sleinen
Ryder Kumar is serving as our International Director. As one of the founding members of Shepherding the Nations, it was Ryder's vision to see pastors trained and equipped for ministry that became the foundation of Shepherding the Nations.
Shepherding the Nations has identified qualified and called men who are already working in unreached areas of India and Nepal. We are providing the training to better equip them and the financial resources to support them in their ministries.
Our directors have been equipped to teach our ten-volume training curriculum. These key men are training indigenous pastors and church planters while also providing accountability, resources materials, and support.
During our training program, we provide our ten volume set of curriculum from the Biblical Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP) in their local language. We also provide essentials resources such as Bible Concordance and Study Bible. We have been able to provide these books to all of our pastors through the generous donations of our donors. These books can be purchased for about $10 each or an entire set for $100. Donate online.
There has been nothing so crucial to the on-going ministry of Shepherding the Nations as the continued prayer support of our sponsors and supporting churches. Those who commit to sponsoring our International Director, one of our Regional Directors, or a pastor, evangelist or church planter, will receive a photo and prayer requests so that you can be praying by name for those on the field. If you are not currently on our email mailing list, please consider subscribing so that you can receive prayer updates via email.