One of the biggest life lessons that I’ve learned from my ten years of participation with Shepherding the Nations is how one person can make a difference. God has been faithful over the years to take the little that I have to offer and make it count for eternity. I am so thankful for those of you who have been faithfully giving – it has really made a difference! God has used the resources you have given to further His kingdom. Many have been trained, many have heard the gospel and many have been saved. I can’t personally go to India every year (though I would love to!) but here are some things I can do:
Amazon Smile
I don’t know about you, but I love the convenience of shopping at Amazon for all kinds of stuff. When I use, a small percentage of everything I buy goes to STN. It doesn’t cost me anything additional, and every little bit helps. If you haven’t signed up for this yet, it’s so easy. Just go to, sign into your account and then select Shepherding the Nations as your charity. Then, everytime you shop, go to and a donation will automatically go to STN. (More about the program here.)
Sponsorship of Materials
Part of our family Christmas giving this year was to give donations for STN books and Bibles in honor of our family members. It was such a blessing to give a gift that was meaningful, sacrificial, and would bear fruit that would last for eternity! When we accept a pastor or church planter into our training program, they will receive a set of learning curriculum including 10 books in the BTCP series. (Biblical Training Centre for Pastors) They also receive a study Bible, and a concordance. These materials are available in the local languages of the pastors that we train in Latin America and India. The cost of one set of materials is about $100. These materials are so appreciated, used and treasured by our trainees!
Would you consider making a year-end gift to STN to sponsor materials for one of the pastors that will be trained in 2018? You can sign up online.